Sundray integrated wireless network programis a hierarchical Wi-Fi deployment based on our most novel software. The new intermediate to large-scale wireless network construction aims at the higher education / professional education institutions, regional Bureau of Educaiton, enterprise, and chain stores/malls.
01Flow control function sink, data forwarding performance doubled
Conventional wireless deployment structure is one wireless AC managing multiple wireless AP devices. Though is sounds easier, there is a bottle neck for data export due to the single gateway export. All the downstream data needs the instructions from this single major AC, leading to increasing power consumption and dealyed data management.
In Sundray integrated wireless network program, a commander AC manages multiple executive AC, and then executive AC manages the downstream wireless AP. commander AC only supervises executive AC, and executive AC shall independently manage the AP data. This setting perfectly solves the bottle neck of single gatewat export.
This is called Flow control function sink, data forwarding performance doubled
This is called Flow control function sink, data forwarding performance doubled
02On-demand hardware assembling, low and flexible expansion costs
The company is growing fast, and we add more local offices. But the capacity of our original wireless AC is so full, now we can only upgrade the wireless AC equipment. This may cost a lot, and the replaced wireless AC devices are no way to go...
In Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program, commander AC supervises executive AC, and executive AC manages wireless AP. That way, when expanding the capacility, you will only need to add one executive AC and several wireless AP. This is so called:
On-demand hardware assembling, low and flexible expansion costs
On-demand hardware assembling, low and flexible expansion costs
03Improve the data roaming, seamless internet surfing with no roaming
Hey there, I heard that your stores at Shanghai and Beijing have data roaming. If you log in at the Shanghai store, you can automatically access the Wi-Fi in Beijing. How did you do this?
That's easy! I used Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program. I have one commander AC at the headquarters, and connect with the executive AC and wireless AP at different areas. That way, I can request the commander AC to supervise executive AC, and the exectutive AC manages AP. I only need to set up this at the commander AC background.Improve the data roaming, seamless internet surfing with no roaming
04Multi-level disaster recovery and backup systems
I heard that Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program has a strong Multi-level disaster recovery and backup system. Do you know the detail?
Yes, I am now using Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program, and I never worry about disaster recovery and back-up. This program uses a commander AC, an executive AC and off-site AC for the multi-point 1 + 1AC pool of dual-machine redundancy hot standby.Multi-level disaster recovery and backup systems can increase the system stability by 800%.
05Data security
What is the feature of Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program in terms of data security?
Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program encrypts the VPN data between AP & AC and AC & AC. Only the data from internal network is transferred by the encrypted channel, so we save a VPN equipment!!
06Functions all-in-one saves you at least 32% of the wireless construction cost.
I am deploying my wireless network, and I realized that if I want more functions, I need to purchase an authentication server, sales software and so on. This is very inconvenient!!
Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program will solve your problem! Our wireless AC has the most powerful built-in online behavior management function, with wireless controller, user authentication platform, online behavior audit, VPN, firewall, SMS delivery, and customer analysis platform features all-in-one!!Functions all-in-one saves you at least 32% of the wireless construction cost.
07Hierarchical management straegy reduces the operation/maintenance workload by 70%
We got a new issue after the wireless network deployment. Different permissions need to be set for individual offices, and everyone is looking for the headquarters IT administrators. Administrators become extremely busy!
Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program provide hierarchical management, which is a fantastic feature! The headquarters can set up the repesctive managements, which reduces the worklaod by 70%!
08Stratified flow processing simplifies the off-site online behavior management.
How does Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program manage the online behavior of the off-site offices?
Sundray Technologies integrated wireless network program uses executive AC to manage online behaviors, and the data can be transferred to a unified server when the network is free. Compared to the traditional way (total exports manage the online behaviors), our program costs much less and requires lower bandwidth with a higher utilization.Stratified flow processing simplifies the off-site online behavior management.
Commander AC+Executive AC+AP,AC series wireless controller is the new product developed by Sundray Technologies.
The major features are:
Firewall, authentication server, certificate issuing center, and radio frequency management features all-in-one
Support up to 13 authentications, such as SMS authentication, 2D barcode authentication, and WeChat authentication
Support user management, protocol optimization, flow control, application identification, behavior control, and so on
Support customized ad pages and ad page adaptive terminal screen.
The major features are:
Firewall, authentication server, certificate issuing center, and radio frequency management features all-in-one
Support up to 13 authentications, such as SMS authentication, 2D barcode authentication, and WeChat authentication
Support user management, protocol optimization, flow control, application identification, behavior control, and so on
Support customized ad pages and ad page adaptive terminal screen.
Wenzhou Wencheng County wireless town application case
Deployment details: At the end of 2014, Wencheng County Bureau of Education focused on informaiton reform for the regional23 primary and secondary schools. Wencheng County Bureau of Education proposed in their wireless education netwrok
to assign different online accesses based on user groups (e.g., Education Bureau administrators, school administrators, ordinary users,
guests). That way, they can unify the online behavior management at the exports.
In addition, for the new teachers, the program provides Wi-Fi with "self-registration-managers review" authentication,
in which visitors will be authorized for an wi-fi access after managers review.
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WeChat 2D barcode